
Monday, December 9, 2013

hari ni 9/10/2013..hari pertama adk masuk sam 2...
mak abah adk rindu sgt kt mak ngn abah... adk xmaw jauh dgn mak abah...
stiap hari adk menangis...bnyak dugaan kt sni mak...
aq terpaksa kuat sbb adk lma lg kt sni...adk doa slalu kt mk ngn abah..
adk rndu mak msak...adk rndu semua... :'(

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

naz sygkn nk abg jd yg trbaik untuk doakn hbgn kta kkal smpy akhir hayat..
apa2 yg jd kita lalui xnk lg hlg are the last boy k..klau kta hdup sma2 t nz akn jd yg trbaik harap abg pn sma mcm doakn kta akn bhgia dan bsatu hti xnk gado nk kta bersatu hati..

Thursday, July 18, 2013

about my programme

By definition, accounting is a system of recording an
d summarizing business and financial transactions. For as long as civilization has been engaging in trade, methods of record keeping, accounting, and accounting tools have been invented.

Accounting techniques like budgeting, sales projections and financial reporting are supposed to help prevent business failures by giving managers realistic plans to guide their actions and feedback on their progress. In other words, they are supposed to leaven entrepreneurial optimism with green-eye-shaded realism.

Financial qualification :
·  A Chartered Certified Accountant must be a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (designatory letters ACCA or FCCA).
·  A Chartered Management Accountant must be a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (designatory letters ACMA or FCMA).
·  A Chartered Public Finance Accountant must be a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (designatory letters CPFA).
·  An International Accountant is a member of the Association of International Accountants (designatory letters AAIA or FAIA).
·  An Incorporated Financial Accountant is a member of the Institute of Financial Accountants (designatory letters AFA or FFA).
·  An Associate Professional Accountant is a member of the Institute of Professional Accountants(designatory letters APA-UK or FPA).[3][importance?]
·  A Certified Public Accountant may be a member o·  f the Association of Certified Public Accountants (designatory letters AICPA or FCPA) or its equivalent in another country, and is usually designated as such after passing the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination.
·  A Public Accountant may be a member of the Institute of Public Accountants (designatory letters AIPA, MIPAor FIPA).


my name is siti nazihah binti halim...
i'from pulau pinang....i'm study at POLITEKNIK SEBERANG PERAI..i have 3 siblings..
my older sister studied at UIAM while my younger sister studied at sk sungai nibong.
i was born on 1 july politeknik i'm study Diploma in Accountancy..i like to eat cheese burger..
my favourite song is about nasyid..i love my parents. My  favourite colour is orange.My hobby is jogging and study..the movie that i like is malay flims..i think that's all for my interest.. thank you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

luahan hati seorang pemimpin

suatu hari tgh aq stdy ttba ckgu msuk dlm blik prep aq...time tu lps mgrib mcm tu xtw pn da sptcek...bnd ni jd sbb kwan aq yg cri dy aq xtw la...ckg soh km kmpl kt blek prep pun p lps smyg diamanah kan untk jga dpa suma sbb aq PS xska libattkan bnd ni dri dgn bnd ni....lpas settle spot crk aq pn kuaq la dri lalu nk pi DM ttba sowg hamba allah ni kta "baruah ni la yg dk tedpot suma" lau ikut nk ja aq spak dy dpn owg rmy....x sdaq dri...owg x beriman mcm tu sbaq sbb aq tw dy tu mmg lg baruah pd aq...wt slah xmaw mngaku..bsaq rhmat dh aq tlg dy slama ckup bdosa dh sbb x amanah dlm tgas...kali ni aq x bg mka lgsg...dy tu x sdq dri sbb dy xpnh pk aq tlong dy wt assaigment smpy 1 pg...bla sng maki sna sni...lau ikut hati nk ja aq maki balik... pempimpin yg normal akn atasi msalah dgn kesabaran...tu prinsip aq...smpy skg aq trasa ngn x ska dgaq owg maki sna sni...dpa x jd mcm na aq jd...lau dpa kt tmpta aq dpa tw btapa ssah nk tgur kwan sbaya ngn dpa..last li msuk kali la dgn ucpapan pd owg tersayang "gud luck 4 spm,jgn lap syg bla dh hbs sk nt...hrp abg phm apa yg syg hnya luahan iklas dri hati..

Thursday, December 15, 2011

kisah d asrama

dh lma aq x update blog aq...nk thu x cta sal aq kat asrma ton 2011..pd 6.1.2011 aq dtukarkan ke sk tknik tarp...msa first dayaq kat sk 2 aq sa tertekan x slesa dgn keadaan wk2 tu aq dpt kwn bwu sng bgaul dgn owg tp kna biasakan la..lma2 ok ja aq kat sk tu blaja pn ok ja...msa orentasi aq 10syen gk la...nk kna wt tu nk kna wt ni lah apa km wt suma tme 2 ja pas 2 ok x mngs msk asrm kali ni sbb aq dh besa dk msa aq f1 smpy suasana dy len sgt..msa orentasi aq sa cm nk fly ja dri sk hny allah ja thu....menyesal pn ada suma ada...smpy stu msa aq x blek 3 mgu aq ngs twus...kwan2 suma tkjut sbb slama ni aq x pnh ngs dpn dpa sbb dpa tgk aq ni thn sdh sbb aq xmau owg kta aq lmah..sbnarnya aq ni nmpk ja kuat kat luar dlaman sbnarnya lmah sonok sgt tme aq msk sk 2 owg ptma yg aq knal kat situ ialah kwan sk aq dlu izzah nma dy.. dy sma sk ngn dy dk asrm sat ja pas 2 dy pulih dri suma ni msa dlm blan 4 cm 2 la masa ni keadaan dh ok dh seniot pn xdk msalah dpa start rpat ngn aq far ok la..ton dpn 2012 aq dh naik f5,aq la senior...insyallah aq akn jd yg terbaek di antara yg terbaek